Tuesday 5 March 2013

Afterlife exists says top brain surgeon

In last 200 years our brain received lots of recognition and has been credited with our ability to  progress and  to make discoveries. Even today with many scientists working on understanding brain, there are more questions than answers in regards to how brain accesses certain spontaneous discoveries (e.g. while being under shower), where the dreams come from and why two kids from the same family are becoming totally two different sometimes opposite individuals. For scientists discovering how brain operates is an ultimate goal so they could emulate brain and create machines and robots capable of doing what humans can do.

It takes quite often a tragic event for a scientist to start recognizing that brain might be not the ultimate and only system which is capable of reasoning. That consciousness might reside out of the physical brain area and be even more complex than our brain can perceive.

Dr Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, fell into a coma for seven days in 2008 after contracting meningitis.

During his illness Dr Alexander says that the part of his brain which controls human thought and emotion "shut down" and that he then experienced "something so profound that it gave me a scientific reason to believe in consciousness after death." In an essay for American magazine Newsweek, which he wrote to promote his book Proof of Heaven, Dr Alexander says he was met by a beautiful blue-eyed woman in a "place of clouds, big fluffy pink-white ones" and "shimmering beings".

He continues: "Birds? Angels? These words registered later, when I was writing down my recollections. But neither of these words do justice to the beings themselves, which were quite simply different from anything I have known on this planet. They were more advanced. Higher forms." The doctor adds that a "huge and booming like a glorious chant, came down from above, and I wondered if the winged beings were producing it. the sound was palpable and almost material, like a rain that you can feel on your skin but doesn't get you wet."

Dr Alexander says he had heard stories from patients who spoke of outer body experiences but had disregarded them as "wishful thinking" but has reconsidered his opinion following his own experience.

He added: "I know full well how extraordinary, how frankly unbelievable, all this sounds. Had someone even a doctor told me a story like this in the old days, I would have been quite certain that they were under the spell of some delusion.

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